value in exchange

美 [ˈvæljuː ɪn ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]英 [ˈvæljuː ɪn ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]
  • 交换价值
value in exchangevalue in exchange
  1. Consumers have now figured out that they can expect indeed demand value in exchange for " their " data .


  2. The principle of equal-value exchange , which stresses equal value in exchange , is a common law in commercial and economic activities .


  3. The banks that participate will be compensated for the securities ' full , or par , value in exchange for allowing AIG to unwind the credit-default swaps it wrote . '


  4. However , the traditional GDP calculation system neglects the cost of natural resources and the environment . The obvious limitation of the system that takes product and service market value in exchange as the only assessment criteria , results in the false increase of the GDP indicators .


  5. This document has more practical value in postal electric exchange system networks technology , applys networks technologic studying results to direct practice . It makes the practical sense system to accomplish .


  6. On Requirements for Fair Value Measurements in Non-monetary Property Exchange


  7. The category of value has the paired functions of value in exchange and social core value .


  8. It follows that both value and utility value are involved in the exchange process , which influences the formation of exchange values .


  9. Compared in the situation that the value of Bit-product is transformed into monetary exchange value in a single exchange , this way of accumulating opportunity value may increase the total money at last .


  10. Fiat money has not only no particular value in use , it doesn 't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye .
